Meet Your WAFWP Executive Board and their duties! President - Candace Bennett (term 2023-2025) Duties: It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Association and at meetings of the Executive Board. The President shall be the executive head of the Association. The President shall be a member ex officio of all committees. The President shall appoint such committees as may be provided for in the Bylaws and such special committees as may be authorized by the Executive Board of Association. The Treasurer or the President may sign orders and checks lawfully drawn. The President shall enforce strict observance of any Collective Bargaining Agreements, Contracts, and the Bylaws of the Association. The President shall have general supervision of the other officers and chairs of committees. The President shall discharge on behalf of the Association such duties as may be imposed upon him/her applicable by law, including the execution and filing of any reports to the Federal or State authorities, and the President shall cause to be maintained by the Association such reports as the law requires to be kept. The President shall report to the Association on the activities of the Bargaining Unit. Vice President - Kurt Anderson (appointed term 2024-2024) Duties: The Vice-President shall assist the President in such a manner as the President may determine. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall preside at the meetings of the Association and of the Executive Board. The Vice-President shall organize the annual meeting(s). The Vice President shall supervise the webmaster and/or contracted entity to maintain the Associations's website and other electronic needs. Secretary - Barbara McClellan (term 2023-2025) Duties: The Secretary shall discharge on behalf of the Association, such duties as may be imposed upon them by the President or by applicable law including the execution and filing of any reports to Federal or State authorities, including, but not limited to the following:
Treasurer - Liz Bockstiegel (term 2022-2024) Duties: The Treasurer shall discharge on behalf of the Association, such duties as may be imposed upon them by the President or by applicable law including the execution and filing of any reports to Federal or State authorities, including, but not limited to the following:
Fish Program Board Member - Mike Schmuck (term 2023-2025) Duties: The Fish Program Board Member shall discharge on behalf of the Association, such duties as may be imposed upon them by the President and shall participate as a voting member of the Executive Board. Only persons employed in the WDFW Fish Program and who are in the Association’s bargaining unit are eligible for this board position. Habitat Program Board Member - Tristan Weiss (term 2022-2024) Duties: The habitat program board member shall discharge on behalf of the Association, such duties as may be imposed upon them by the President and shall participate as a voting member of the Executive Board. Only persons employed in the WDFW Habitat Program and who are in the Association’s bargaining unit are eligible for this board position. Wildlife Program Board Member - Anthony Novak (term 2023-2025) Duties: The Wildlife Program Board Member shall discharge on behalf of the Association, such duties as may be imposed upon them by the President and shall participate as a voting member of the Executive Board. Only persons employed in the WDFW Wildlife Program and who are in the Association’s bargaining unit are eligible for this board position. Board Member-at-Large Position 1 - Elizabeth Torrey (term 2023-2025) Duties: The members-at-large shall discharge on behalf of the Association, such duties as may be imposed upon them by the President and shall participate as voting members of the Executive Board. Board Member-at-Large Position 2 - Camille Speck (appointed term 2024-2024) Duties: The members-at-large shall discharge on behalf of the Association, such duties as may be imposed upon them by the President and shall participate as voting members of the Executive Board.
Page Last Updated: Jan 22, 2024 (13:07:50)