Latest News
One of the tasks your WAFWP Executive Board and attorney does is to review new and revised WDFW polices before they are finalized. We examine the policies to ensure they align with the current Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) and Labor Laws. If there are items that do not align, we can Demand to Bargaining (DTB).
Hello members!!!
We have concluded contract negations for 2025-27. You can find information on the contract changes here and attached.
Cast your vote and provide feedback here.
2025-27 CBA FULL Highlights and TAs.pdf
Please take time to review the attached 2024 WAFWP Fiscal Vision and Plan! Place your vote and provide feedback here!
Voting is open until Thursday, September 26, 2024, at 1pm. We will announce the next steps at the end of our Annual Meeting.